Astro Videos

Among all of our video productions, these titles with links are to our favorites. Watch them and get to know why our system of astrology has been called “revolutionary.”

The 1st video is a short on our use of a text-to-voice program for the audio in our productions.
“Some Samples of AI Voices I Use In My Video Productions”

This video is about some of the greatest astrologers in history. It is not that they have not been forgotten or overlooked, but they have been miscategorized by billions of people.
“Who Were The Great Astrologers That Time Forgot?”

It has been just over a year since we dropped a set of four videos entitled “What Are You Strong And Weak House Positions, Parts 1-4.” Soon after, we pulled the series and stopped posting videos so that we could focus on preparing and positioning ourselves for the transition that had begun and continues. was and is taking place.

We have reposted them, but they are only available for viewing via the links below. Relative to where we are now, as a country, economically and financially, we invite you to see if we called it right. Remember, “What Are You Strong And Weak House Positions, Parts 1-4” are over a year old.
“What Are Your Strong And Weak House Positions, Pt. 1”

“What Are Your Strong And Weak House Positions, Pt. 2”

“What Are Your Strong And Weak House Positions, Pt. 3”

“What Are Your Strong And Weak House Positions, Pt. 4”

Using Horary Astrology On The Twins:

Astrology is not about using the planets to predict future events, which is virtually impossible accurately. Astrology is about interpreting events according to time, movement, arrivals, departures, colors (i.e., of clothing), hues (i.e., complexions), etc. Though a repost, the following video is one of my most informative. At 17:25, I tell my story about an on-the-fly horary read I performed.
Astrology 2023 Horary and Synastry (Compatability Astrology)

To Learn Why Accurate Horoscope Predictions Are Virtually Impossible Watch This Video: Aspects Pt. 3 – A Cinematic View