Viewable, Readable, Useable
Our Astrology Life Chart NFTs may be among the rarest NFTs in their class. Here’s why. Twenty-four of our NFTs offer a broad range of utilities. But not your average utility that is subject to wear out with time or expire in interest. They are astronomy and astrology-based, which makes them life-based relative to planetary positions. This makes them as eternal as life itself. The extent of the beauty and attraction of each zodiac sign-based NFT is as immeasurable as the characters and personality traits of the over eight billion people that inhabit the earth.
Using the Astrology Life Chart system, we’ve decoded the complexities of the astronomical and astrological sciences to create the easiest and most credible way to see, read, understand, and use astrology without planetary observance and complicated measurements of planetary positions. What we have discovered is that, unlike astronomy, astrology is a common sense-based science that we see and experience every day of our lives. It is so finely tuned to time that it can be read and seen in real-time. In fact, like common sense, it is so available to us that many of us take it for granted in our quest for the more complicated astronomical-based predictions. This causes us not to connect the dots and miss what is, more often than not, right before our eyes. Follow us and we will show you astrology like you have never seen it before. The system is free to use at your discretion. As your life is in your hands, we can’t guarantee that the system will improve your life, but we can assure you it will improve your understanding of it.
The Blockchain gives each NFT its global digital existence. By way of knowledge of our Sun signs, our Moon signs, our Eastern (Chinese) zodiac signs, and time (as in clocks), we are given the ability to study the personality and character traits of ourselves and others. We are also able to determine some reasons for attractions, repulsions, and urges, as well as why they occur, where they occur, and when they occur, relative to time and planetary movements that are represented by people, places, and things.
The best part about the system is that even if you can’t afford to purchase one of our NFTs, you can still take the journey with us. Also, the system uses colorful video-based lessons for easy absorption of the information.
We are currently developing an app that is going to revolutionize planetary positions and horoscope readings.